Category Archives: Uncategorized

Scalculator 1.3.0 up!

Just updated both the Ultimate and Free versions to 1.3.0!

Here’s the highlights from the changelog:

– UI Changes
++ Dropdowns for picking root/figure on side of figure info
++ Circle of Fifths-style root note picker
++ Haptic feedback on picking root note
++ Custom ListActivies to support Custom Font
– New custom font with double accidentals and chord symbols
++ Font is modded Roboto with symbols from Emmentaler
– Random Figure Generation / Selection
– Synthetic chords and other additional figure data

Check it out and enjoy! More to come soon!

Ultimate Edition Updated

Just a few minor improvements to the Scalculator Ultimate Edition:

  • “Menu” support to bring up Preferences, rather than that ugly button.
  • Formula and Notes in the display

Of course, lots of code cleanup and refactoring as I go through with an eye for both cleaning up and planning future features.

Hopefully, I will get the “touch” stuff working next, so I can incorporate “reverse lookups”. The idea will be that you are presented with a blank “instrument”, tap in a few notes, and the Scalculator will present you with possible matches.